Convert XMIND to MM

The software that converts Xmind mind map files to FreeMind mm files.

Convert xmind to mm

How to convert xmind to mm file

Xmind to MM conversion occurs most likely when two mind map formats are converted, namely Xmind and FreeMind. In most versions, Xmind supports MM format export, but not all of them. It might be necessary to convert to a generic mind map format in the middle step. To convert Xmind to MM format, you would first export the Xmind mind map to a generic mind map format, such as XML or HTML. Then, using a conversion tool or software, you can convert the generic mind map format to the MM format, ensuring compatibility between the two different mind map formats.

The MindMeister collaboration service supports importing and exporting Xmind and mm mind maps. Use the quick and easy import function to convert your MindManager, XMind, or Freemind files into MindMeister maps.

Additional formats for
xmind file conversion

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