Convert XLSX to WK1

How to convert xlsx to wk1. Possible xlsx to wk1 converters.

Convert xlsx to wk1

How to convert xlsx to wk1 file

xlsx to wk1 conversion represents the export of modern Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx) to old .wk1 files from some earlier versions of Lotus 1-2-3, which is somewhat odd export to be honest. This is theoretically doable, but you would have to either find a software that can still save to WK1 format, or use some middle step conversion (for example to CSV) and use ancient version of Lotus 1-2-3. In any case, only data from the tables will be exported, it is unlikely that modern Excel formatting can be used in old spreadsheets.

This record was last reviewed some time ago, so certain details or software may no longer be accurate.
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Additional formats for
xlsx file conversion

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