Convert XLS to IIF

How to convert xls to iff. Possible xls to iif converters.

Convert xls to iif

How to convert xls to iif file

It seems that that xls to iif conversion is pretty much only related to export of accounting data from Excel spreadsheet (.xls) to the interchange format (.iff), which can be done through QuickBooks and  only works for Excel files that were previously exported in QuickBooks.

A valid .xls file can be imported back to QuickBooks by doing the following procedure.

  • Open the QuickBooks company file to import the new Excel .xls accounts list.
  • Go to File, select Utilities, choose Import, and Excel files.
  • Browse to the .xls file and select.
  • Click the Choose a sheet in this Excel workbook drop-down arrow and select Accounts.
  • Click the Mappings button (may have to select new mapping).  Enter a Mapping name such as "Map QuickBooks Headers to Excel Columns."
  • Click the Import type and click Account.
  • Click the blank row under the Import data column heading to display all the columns in the Excel file.
  • Click Column E. This will match the column to the QuickBooks account type.
  • Map Name to Column B, Description to Column G, and Opening Balance to Column F.
  • Click Save and click Import to import the account list into QuickBooks.

Additional formats for
xls file conversion

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