Convert TXT to 89Y
How to convert txt to 89y. Available txt to 89y converters.
How to convert txt to 89y file
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TI-Reader Converter is utility from Texas Instruments which which users of TI-89, TI-92 or Voyage 200 devices to transfer text files (.txt), HTML documents (.htm, .html) and certain publication formats (.opf) to their devices.
The TI-Reader Converter converts files up to 64K in size (about 64,000 characters) into a single output file. When conversion is complete, a message confirms and displays the converted file name and location. For files larger than 64K, the TI-Reader Converter creates additional segmented files as required. Up to 10 segmented files may be created.
Depending on the settings selected by the user, the converter will produce either.v2Y (Voyage 200), .9xy (TI-92) or .89y (TI-89) data files that can be transferred to their respective device via TI-Connect and will be placed in "books folder.
Images saved as part of HTML will also be converted, but any graphics that requires external plugin, such as Flash will not be converted.