Convert ROFL to WEBM

Process of making WebM videos from League of Legends replays.

Convert rofl to webm

How to convert rofl to webm file

What are the rofl files, and why convert them to webm?

ROFL files come from Leagues of Legends (LoL), a team-based multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games. ROFL files include game data that the Leagues of Legends game engine can interpret and replay; they are not the same as regular video files.

Users searching for rofl to webm conversion seek ways to create WEBM-based videos from game replays. The main reason for backup of the matches or file sharing and uploading online.

How are the rofl replay files recorded?

League of Legends does not automatically generate replays from every match, and there are no game recording settings, like in WoT.

Instead, users can manually export replays from the Match History in their profile with the download button and save these as .rofl files. Once downloaded, the replays can be watched with the play function in the game. You can also download ranked replays from the Match History tab of any of your in-game friends.

One of the important aspects, or limitations, of .rofl files is that they only work for a single patch cycle. For example, if you played a game on 7.2 version, you can watch that replay until 7.3 drops. This is one of the reasons why replays are preserved in video format.

What tools can be used for the playback of .rofl files?

Except for the main Leagues of Legends client, several third-party sites offer the same functionality for playback or watching .rofl replays. For example, sites like OP.GG, or, can be used for this, but there are already videos and not the original .rofl files for many replays. Uploading to such websites is one of the main reasons that replays are exported to video formats in the first place.

Why export to WebM video format?

Probably because WebM is a video format optimized for Internet use, thus upload to replay OP.GG or similar sites are probably the aim of rofl to webm conversion, because of the formats optimized streaming capabilities.

How to create WebM video from League of Legends replay

The usual workaround is to utilize screen recording tools such as Fraps, Camtasia, or OBS. You can also use Nvidia GeForce Experience or Radeon ReLive. Here's how to accomplish it.

Prepare screen recording tool

First, set up the screen recording tool and familiarize yourself with its features. You can play around with key binding and output formats, but remember that the longest LoL matches last about 30 minutes, so you do not want to record the same replay for hours on end.

Launch the game replay and record it

Start your screen recording tool and play your replay from the Match History menu. If the replay comes from someone else, you can drag the .rofl file over the main League of Legends.exe executable. This will load the replay for playback and launch the LoL client.

Export your game recording to WebM video file

The default output will probably be in MP4 format because not all screen recording software supports WebM format natively, and MP4 is the usual output. You will have to use a video editor with WebM support to edit (crop) your video and export your file to WebM format.

Additional formats for
rofl file conversion

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