Convert EXE to MPG
What programs to use to convert .exe files to .mpg format.
How to convert exe to mpg file
- Video
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This conversion is typically not possible because the great majority of .exe files aren’t videos, but rather application executables. Sometimes, however, an .exe file may indeed contain video, typically Flash.
This conversion (or other similar .exe to video conversions) is usually relevant for users that try to convert exported self-playing Flash videos (e.g. videos created using a Flash Projector) back to the original source video (in this case an .exe file to .mpg format).
The process usually follows the pattern of recovering the .swf file (SWF video) from the .exe file (executable) using one of the many available SWF tools (search for the .exe to .swf conversion entry) and the conversion of the mentioned .swf file to any of the required video formats (in this case using .swf to .mpg converters).
The final option would be to open and play the .exe file containing the video, and then record it again to an actual video file using a screen recording program (e.g. Camtasia). This is however not ideal, as the final product might not be of the same quality as the original.
Always remember that working with unknown .exe files may infest your computer with a Trojan horse file or some other malicious code. Make sure to always check suspicious .exe files using an anti-virus software.
The database currently does not contain any exe file converter.