Convert CRYPT7 to XLS

How to convert .crypt7 files to .xls format.

Convert crypt7 to xls

How to convert crypt7 to xls file

You will have to first use a tool to convert these newer, highly encrypted, versions of the WhatsApp .crypt format (.crypt5, crypt7 etc.) to the early .crypt format, in order to work with the data inside. Start by converting .crypt7 to .crypt.

Next, use a program, such as Whatsapp Xtract or WhatCrypt to export your chat backups from the WhatsApp Messenger (.crypt formats). Save these backup files as .html format (converting .crypt to .html)

Spreadsheets utilities, such as Microsoft Excel, accept .html formatted files. Use such programs to simply open/import your .html files, and save them as .xls/.xlsx format. You might also want to try one of these .html to .xls converters.

Additional formats for
crypt7 file conversion

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