Convert CRX to XPI

How to convert Chrome WebExtensions to Firefox. Available crx to xpi converters.

Convert crx to xpi

How to convert crx to xpi file

Unfortunately, converting browser extensions/plugins/add-ons from one web browser to another is difficult, for example, from Chrome (.crx) to Firefox (.xpi). Nevertheless, tools like the crx-to-xpi can port the crx version of some WebExtensions add-on to the XPI format. WebExtensions are a cross-browser system for developing browser add-ons. To a large extent, the system is compatible with the extension API supported by Google Chrome. Extensions written for this browser will, in most cases, run in Firefox with just a few changes.

When you want to port Google Chrome extensions to Firefox, the best choice is probably the ExtensionWorkshop website, where you get help creating and publishing Firefox add-ons and finding resources you need to start with extension development.