Convert APKG to PDF

Instructions how to export ANKI apkg packages to PDF format. Tools for apkg to pdf export.

Convert apkg to pdf

How to convert apkg to pdf file

  • Other

apkg to pdf conversion is in most cases searched by users that downloaded either deck packages for Anki (.apkg) and for some reason want to print these in PDF format, instead using them in the Anki app.

Printing Anki cards to PDF format

This is actually possible, but you have to install the Basic Printing Support addon that you can download on Anki website. What this addon does, is that it adds option to view your deck in Anki through web browser as a web page and thus allow you to save it as PDF document through the default print function.

Exporting Anki cards without Anki

You will always have to use Anki if you want to properly view the cards, because without the app it is not possible to visualize the content. You can find utiltiies and converters that allow to export texts to CSV format for example, but that's it.