Convert 264 to AVI
Can I convert .264 files to .avi format.
How to convert 264 to avi file
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Converting Ripped Video Data Files to Audio Video Interleave Files (.264 to .avi conversion) usually relates to users attempting to convert H.264/MPEG-4 AVC videos to the more common .avi format. This can be done easily in basically any modern video converters or online conversion tools. Please keep in mind that the resulting .avi file will come in a lower quality than your original video source file (.264).
Should you be searching for ways to convert IP/CCTV Video Files to Audio Video Interleave Files (.264 to .avi conversion), it will be much more challenging to find an appropriate multimedia converter. Try using, for instance, the AVI Generator (by Swann), which allows users to export the protected security recordings to the more common .avi format.